Monday, June 22, 2009

Irresistable Revolution

Very interesting book.
This guy is a nut, but he has done some pretty remarkable stuff in his life, like spending time in Iraq sharing God's love and a whole year in Calcutta with Mother Theresa.
Fun read.
Sort the good from the bad and I believe it will be a helpful book for your Christian Walk.

Friday, June 12, 2009


This is Brian from Uganda. He's a 5 year old we decided to sponsor. He's affected by the HIV virus. Please help us pray for him.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Ok, if you are at all interested in how the whole concept of leadership has dramatically changed in the last 10 years you've got to read this book!!
I recomend it, but I warn you... Seth Godin is a basket case.
But he's right on the money.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The power of assumptions amazes me: "I'm too old", "I'm too young", it's never been done that way before." You can ether hang on to your assumptions or hang on to God. You can't do both, you have to choose.